We’re sure you’ll all agree that first term flew by!
In case you blinked and missed it, here’s what the PTA* got up to:
- We welcomed Reception and (belatedly) Yr1 parents to the school community at our socials at the Claremont pub in September,
- Our first ever Raffle by text raised £700,
- The monthly 2nd hand uniform sales raised nearly £900,
- We welcomed back cinema club which raised £650,
- We held our first ever Wreath making workshop which raised £400,
- We ran Secret Room which raised a whopping £1000,
- We sold children's Christmas cards/mug as well as Christmas trees & wreaths, raising £500.
That's over £4,000, just from the events, so THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for all your support this last term, whether you volunteered time, donated money, bought tickets, donated Christmas presents or bought 2nd hand uniform. It all counts!
The fundraising in the Winter term enabled us to pay for:
- A trip to Trinity Theatre for all year 4-6 children to see the Panto (£2000), and;
- Santa and Elf hats for the children’s Christmas lunch (£175).
We also invested in a brand new storage unit (the large green box in the car park – you can’t miss it!) which will serve mainly as our 2nd hand uniform shop, and some new signs which will be up around the school grounds shortly. We hope these will make it even easier for you to engage with the PTA!
We also bought Waterstones vouchers for the two Christmas Card competition winners – well done again to Robyn in Elm and Marcy in Linden for their fantastic designs - check them out below.
We’re also pleased to announce the name of this year’s Claremont Teddy, won at Secret Room by Luca in Year 4, was Christopher Claremont.
Remember, as well as the fun extras (like theatre trips and sports kit), we are fundraising for two main items this year, to help the school:
1) maintain it’s IT offering to the children – for that we need to raise £15,000 per year
2) build a brand new outdoor classroom behind the Lodge (tendering process is ongoing so watch this space for the contribution the PTA needs to make).
To raise these amounts, we have various fun activities planned for the rest of the year, including a SCAVENGER HUNT, FAMILY 5k, CLAREFEST (21st May – SAVE THE DATE!) and parent socials.
One big area where WE STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS is for the SUMMER FETE.
***At the moment the Summer Fete will not be happening as we do not have enough volunteers.***
Remember … many hands makes light work so it’s not a big job if we have a lot of people!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get in touch if you think you can help in any way. It’s a massive earner for us (can be £8-10k!) and is a brilliant day enjoyed by all.
You're invited to join our next meeting - you'll find us on zoom at 8pm on Thursday 13th January 2022. Email us to be sent the zoom details.
Thanks for reading and your continued support!
Claire, Natalie, Sami, Sara and the rest of the Committee
*please note all figures above are approximate estimations of profit after fees/costs paid out