Safeguarding Policy
This policy sets out the principles for safeguarding within Claremont Primary School PTA. It is relevant to all within the association and is endorsed by the committee of Claremont Primary School PTA. It will be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains appropriate to the Organisation and its volunteers needs annually.
Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) have a duty of care to consider the safety of children and vulnerable adults. This should be taken into consideration when risk assessing a PTA event and the duration of such events.
It is best practice for PTAs to have a set of procedures in place and guidelines for volunteers to follow at events, this may be developed with guidance from the school.
All PTA members should be aware of the person responsible for safeguarding within the school. The school may provide training for PTA members on safeguarding and the procedures to follow or the PTA may arrange their own training for its volunteers, if deemed required.
What to do if you have concerns about a child?
You may have concerns about a child because of something you have seenor heard or a child may choose to disclose something to you.
If a child discloses information to you, you should:
Listen to the child without displaying shock or disbelief
Accept what is said and reassure the child, do not make promises that you may not be able to keep, e.g.‘Everything will be alright now’
Do not ask leading questions and do not interrogate the child–this is not your responsibility to investigate
Explain to the child what you have to do next and who you have to talk to
Take notes, if possible, or write up the conversation as soon as possible afterwards
Contact one of the school’s safeguarding team as soon as possible.
Clare Smith: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)dsl@claremont.kent.sch.uk
Candi Roberts: Headteacher/ DDSLheadteacher@claremont.kent.sch.uk
Sarah Seddon: Deputy Headteacher/ DDSLsseddon@claremont.kent.sch.uk
Guidance for Events
All Events should be risk assessed.
If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us at claremonttwpta@gmail.com.