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Lisa Gammon

Meeting Minutes 24th January 2023

24/01/23 – 7.30pm The Claremont

PRESENT: Claire Summers (Chair), Natalie Jolliffe (Vice-Chair), Sara O’Malley (Secretary), Sami Fatoohi (Treasurer), Lucy Prior (Committee Member), Ben Dryland (Committee Member), Sam Walker (Committee Member), Emma Butterworth (Committee Member), Michelle Bovey-Wood (Committee Member), Jonathan Coupee.

APOLOGIES: Emma Doward, Candi Roberts & Sarah Seddon (CS meeting them Monday), Nicki Webb (Committee Member).

Chair Update - CS

Sami Fatoohi (Treasurer) is resigning as of April 2023; big thanks to Sami. He has kindly agreed to do a handover.

Fundraising activity since last meeting in November has raised ~£1k from Christmas, Cinema Club raised ~£470 (higher bill from film hire than expected ~£200), Christmas Wreath making raised £700 and was more profitable this year, and Wine Tasting. First term raised over £7k, which is a great start. Well done to everyone and thanks!

Treasurer Update – SF

Winter Terms Events brought in £3,240.21 profit and including other income equals £8,945.07. Total expenses were £2,094.66. There is £37,227.37 in the bank account.

Actions from last meeting - S O'M – see attached update.

Events / Fundraising updates - summary of events for this term and any help required from PTA

Summer Fete – CS – met to brainstorm with a small sub-group to explore how to make it easier to organise and run due to lack of volunteers. CS & S O’M unable to attend on the day. Requested help again via a blog. CS suggested 5 things to change: no entrance fee (easier to get people through door); bouncy castles if teaching staff will run them, outsource food & hot drinks (charge % for trucks attending), 14 stalls (1 per class) – Class Reps pick which stall they want, more toilets (no access to Lodge), divvy up committee to manage the day on the day by operating 2 people on shift at a time. Agreed to progress as per CS suggestion on Saturday 1st July 12-3pm. LP to book 6 x toilets, EB to book bouncy castles. Any suggestions for Arena performances to NJ – e.g. Karate Club. CS to request sponsorship from Batchellor Monkhouse.

100 Club Idea– BD/LP - proposed a new scheme idea to replace Covenance Scheme; encouraging parents to become regular donors, in an inclusive way. The committee had a full discussion and gave feedback; agreed that the sub-committee would refine proposal based on feedback, and canvas opinions informally and revert to the Committee at a later date.

School Lottery idea – Jonathan Coupee - proposed idea to look into Your School Lottery, everyone agreed this sounded like a great idea and should be progressed. JC to progress and send information required to CS/SF.

Tea Towels (handover to Jemma Quartermaine) – EB – handover conducted, EB to liaise with JQ on when this will happen. In progress.

Cinema Club - SW/NW – Next Cinema Club Monday 20th March, SW to advise on film. Dominic Couslon willing to support all year.

Disco – Nicki Webb has agreed to take this and will catch up with Claudine re. Disco handover for all years. No dates fixed yet. First Aiders needed for all events.

ACTION: CS to ask CR what we could reasonably ask the school to support the events (e.g. bouncy castle at Fete / first aiders).

ACTION: CS to request for registered first aiders via Whats App and then create a register of names that we could ask to support. If struggle we could look into funding PTA committee members providing a course.

New Idea - potential idea needed for Term 4 – playground sale idea. Crispy Crème idea – request a volunteer to run.

ACTION: replacement freezer needed; CS to ask parent community for a donation.

Easter – LP – CS awaiting response from potential sponsor to cover the cost of the event so the event can be 100% profit. Voting request for £500 to cover the cost of eggs in the event we don’t get sponsorship. The committee voted unanimously; please refer to Appendix 1 for voting record.

Comms Plan – CS - Comms Plan being developed. Propose to use school assembly after half term to pitch Cinema Club, Discos, Easter. Launch Clarefest tickets after Easter.

Licence Renewals – CS – lottery licence (£25 annual fee) and alcohol (£295 annual fee) up for renewal. Mark Lester to consider whether to get annual or a pay per go licence. (Post-meeting note: ML confirmed worth renewing annual licence). Voting request to cover the cost of these (£320). The committee voted unanimously; please refer to Appendix 1 for voting record.

AOB – ALL (n/a)

Date of Next Meeting - S O'M – Tuesday 7th March 7.30pm The Claremont (upstairs private room)

APPENDIX 1 Table 1 - RECORD OF ATTENDANCE & VOTING: See PTA files for table (unable to load to blog)


SIGN: ________________________C Summers_____________________

DATE: _______6 March 2023_____________________________________

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