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Help decorate the PTA Christmas trees at school with these simple make at home Christmas Decorations.

Choose from one of our printable seasonal decorations below, from simple baubles to intertwined paper hearts. Simply click on your favourite below and print the PDF.

Once your child/ren's design is finished (& dry!) please put it in the box in the school reception area no later than Thursday 1st December 2022.

If you have other fantastic paper decorations instructions you traditional make with your family, why not share it with us by simply emailing and we'll add them to this page.


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If you'd like any further information or have any questions on any of this please don't hesitate to get in touch.

PTA Annual General Meeting CLAREMONT PRIMARY SCHOOL PTA 29/09/2021 – The Lodge 7pm PRESENT: Claire Summers (Chair), Natalie Jolliffe (Vice-Chair), Sara O’Malley (Secretary), Sami Fatoohi (Treasurer), Lucy Prior (Committee Member), Ben Dryland (Committee Member), Sam Walker (Committee Member) Non-member attendees: Polly Coupee, Sharon Bovey-Wood, Michelle Bovey-Wood APOLOGIES: Candi Roberts, Emma Butterworth, Nicki Webb

Welcome and Introductions (CS) All attendees introduced themselves round the table. PTA Members 2022-23 Resignations & New Appointments (CS) CS advised the meeting that Claudine Cerrini had resigned from the PTA last summer. The PTA is very sad to see Claudine leave as she has been a long standing member of the PTA and we send our enormous thanks for her hard work and commitment over the years. We still have a School Staff (teacher/TA) representation position vacant. Whilst it’s a not a mandatory requirement; the Committee all agreed there is significant benefit in having a school representative on the PTA. ACTION: CS to raise with Candi R and/or Sarah S to continue to try and encourage volunteers to come forward. CS nominated Emma Doward to join the committee who has kindly agreed to join and assist with the Summer Fete and Christmas Cards.( Refer Appendix 1, Table 1 below for voting record and confirmation of nominators and seconders). Vacancy – Corporate Sponsorship is a role we really want to fill (does not need to be a Committee member). The Committee discussed the fundraising potential of sponsorship but we’d like a volunteer to manage and facilitate it. ACTION: CS to write a blog and summarise what PTA roles are needed and what activities are required. ACTION: CS & NJ to produce a marketing pack that could be issued to local companies (via parents that we could encourage to help). Ask current sponsors to provide data to demonstrate value of the sponsorship). Committee discussed the idea of an Information page for parents on the PTA website; could we consider a Parent Community page, to encourage parents onto the website? This could then encourage sponsorship if we could market the web site traffic. ACTION: BD to organise a separate offline session to progress and produce a one page proposal on a parents page on the website.

Chair’s Annual Report (CS) CS summarised an exciting year post-Covid, which brought the Claremont community together for in-person events. Clarefest recorded a record profit of over £10k thanks to a dedicated and brilliant team. The weather was kind for both Clarefest and the Summer Fete. Both used card machines and token system for the first time which were a great success (albeit with some lessons learnt). The PTA organised the first ever text-raffle and Christmas wreath making, both successful. The Scavenger Hunt was well received and generated more income than 2021 thanks to sponsorship and greater take up. The PTA organised memorable activites for the children including Cinema Club and Discos, an Easter Egg Hunt and the Claremont Xmas Cracker. All raising a good amount of profit. The PTA gave the school ~£30k and raised just over that with only 8 committee members. CS conveyed massive thanks to those involved in all aspects, Committee members and the whole community who mucked in not only to raise a fantastic amount but create special memories for our children.

Treasurers Report (SF) SF talked us through the 2021-22 year end final accounts, which are attached in full at Appendix 2. In summary: Income: PTA made £24,800 profit on Events and £11,930.27 from other fundraising and income = £36,733.73. Expenditure: PTA Expenses: £5,399.73 (Fencing, Shelves, Uniform Unit, Annual fees etc) and contribution to the School £29,258 (IT, Outdoor classroom, Theatre Trip, Classroom contribution, Year 6 expenses and Christmas lunch) = £34,657.73. Balance Sheet: Surplus £2076. Bank Accounts: £30,304.90 ACTION: SF to look at investing money in the bank account somewhere accessible with a better interest rate. ACTION: SF to look into Zero Application – SW can provide support. ACTION: CS to look into Dunorlan Fireworks and consider selling at a playground sale.

Fundraising Plans for 2022-23 & Role Allocation (CS) & Targets The Committee reviewed the proposed Events Schedule (slide 4) & Fundraising Target (slide 5) deck attached at Appendix 3. Most events have a lead volunteer to organise but we still need volunteers for Summer Fete co-ordinator, Playground Sales and a potential Parent Social. Tea Towels was discussed as it was not on the Schedule but possibly done every 2 years. ACTION: Tea Towels; NJ to speak to EB. Is it every other year? The Committee discussed how to encourage wider communications of events (especially those that we know are popular) in a fair way through social media and use of contacts in the membership area of the website. It was proposed that we encourage parents to sign up to the PTA website to receive email notifications directly from us when events are launched (i.e. not just through the school office). For us to be able to use the website contacts in this way, the privacy policy has been updated so parents need to be informed. ACTION: CS to include “best way to be informed” section in the weekly PTA newsletter to encourage more website members and social media followers, and include link to update privacy policy. ACTION: NJ to send an email to website members with a link to the reviewed Privacy Policy. ACTION: NJ to check access permissions for Wix to ensure the appropriate people have appropriate access. It was also proposed that we could use Class Reps in a better way to help the PTA promote events and seek volunteers. We agreed that we could arrange a Class Rep social to thank them and talk them through the proposed Event Schedule, and seek their thoughts and feedback. ACTION: SW to arrange Class Rep social date (S O’M to organise at The Claremont pub). It was discussed whether optional Insurance could be charged for event tickets that parents could buy to guarantee a refund in the event of cancellation. As a first step, we need to understand if this is feasible through our Wix website. If yes then it will need further discussion. ACTION: NJ to explore website feasibility of charging an Insurance for events (in the event of cancellation to give a guaranteed refund) and report back.

Review Funding Requests (CS) Funding Wish List The Committee reviewed the proposed Funding Requests / Wish Lists from the school; please refer Slide 6 of Appendix 3. A question was raised regarding the level of parent engagement for such funding requests. It was asked what potential there is for parent feedback. The Committee agreed this was best discussed with CR and/or SS at the next meeting. A parent requested a little more detail on the IT equipment; and a summary of what is funded each year from the IT funding provision. It was also asked how do/can parents contribute ideas back into the school? Can parents put ideas / suggestions together and how? Again, it was agreed to raise with CR and SS offline. ACTION: CS to discuss the above funding/engagement questions with CR and/or SS. We discussed the idea of a PTA Questionnaire issued to parents; to include asking for feedback on processes, PTA comms, parent engagement, funding, seeking ideas on events and the type of events they’d like to attend, what involvement they would like to have etc. It was agreed worth scoping this out and discussing at future meeting. ACTION: CS and S’OM take idea of Questionnaire offline and consider further. The New Parent Pack was raised and suggested that it needed a “re-vamp”; could it be linked to the proposed Parent Webpage above and use a QR code rather than all the paperwork provided? ACTION: CS to seek parent help with revamp of the New Parent Pack (with BD to link to new potential parent webpage above).

PTA Expenditure It is recognised that sometimes the PTA needs to invest in some of its equipment or facilities to ensure we can continue to support our fundraising efforts or events adequately. We reviewed Slide 7 of Appendix 3; last year we invested £5,585 which included annual running costs (licences etc), the Second Hand Uniform Unit and Fencing for events. We agreed that we would make a return on that earlier than anticipated (1 year instead of 3 potentially), mainly because the second hand uniform sales were doing so well and generating good profit. We reviewed the potential investment required for this year (also slide 7) but, as per normal practice, PTA members would present to committee meetings throughout the year with funding requests for voting as and when.

Fundraising Figures We reviewed Slide 8 of Appendix 1 which identified the potential forecast expenditure against potential income (based on events we hope we can put on). There could be a shortfall if we do not raise enough money so the Committee requested support and volunteers from the community to help “plug the gap”. We also discussed the potential use of blogs / vlogs to encourage volunteers for events (e.g. summer fete and what it involves). ACTION: CS to contact previous organisers to see if they would willing to do a blog/vlog on summer fete organisation.

AOB Funding Request – Mr Greaves requested annual funding for the Christmas Panto trip for 193 pupils (Year 4-6) £11.50 x 193 = £2219.50. The committee voted unanimously; please refer to Appendi1 for voting record.

Next Meeting Date – Tuesday 8th November 7.30pm via Zoom

ACTION: S’OM to contact the Claremont pub to thank for new parent social, book the Class Reps social and see if we can get any contributions for raffle. APPENDIX 1 Table 1 – NEW PTA MEMBERS VOTING COMMITTEE MEMBERNominated bySecond nominationSeven members constitute a quorum.Claire Summers (CS) - ChairSO’MNJNatalie Jolliffe (NJ) – Vice ChairCSSO’MSara O’Malley (SO’M) - SecretaryCSNJSam Fatooi (SF) - TreasurerCSNJEmma Butterworth (EB)CSNJLucy Prior (LP) CSNJSam Walker (SW) CSNJEmma Doward (ED) – new member see aboveCSNJ

Table 2 - RECORD OF ATTENDANCE & VOTING: COMMITTEE MEMBERAttendanceVote – Panto trip 7 Members in meeting Seven members constitute a quorum.1. Claire Summers (CS)YYNatalie Jolliffe (NJ)YYSara O’Malley (SO’M)YYSam Fatoohi (SF)YYEmma Butterworth (EB)Nn/aCandi Roberts (CR)Nn/aLucy Prior (LP) YYSam Walker (SW)YYBen Dryland (BD)YYNicki WebbNn/aTOTAL77 APPROVAL OF MINUTES BY CHAIR OF MEETING: SIGN: ________________________C Summers_____________________ DATE: 7/11/2022 APPENDIX 2 – Treasurer Report 2021-22 [copy of final year end accounts to be inserted] APPENDIX 3 – AGM Slide Deck [updated slide deck to be inserted]

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Updated: Nov 14, 2022

What is the Claremont Christmas Cracker?

The PTA is creating a package of magical fun for the children this Christmas.

On Tuesday 13th December, will see the popular Secret Room return which includes:

  • A “Secret Room” experience where each child will have the opportunity to select gifts for 2 of their loved ones to give them at Christmas

  • A “Guess the name of the Claremont Christmas Teddy” competition – each child will have the opportunity to guess the Teddy’s name when they visit the Secret Room. One lucky winner will be able to take the teddy home.

On Wednesday 7th December, at the school's Christmas lunch, children will also:

  • Receive a festive surprise, and;

  • have the opportunity to wear a Christmas Jumper/festive item.

On Friday 2nd December, the PTA elves will also be sprinkling festive magic across the school with decorations and Christmas trees in the hall and main reception.

What is the Secret Room?

The Secret Room is a much-loved magical Christmas event for the children that takes place in school, this year on 13th December. Your child is given the opportunity to choose two Christmas gifts for their loved ones (parents/guardians/grandparents etc), wrap them up in their classrooms and take them home to hide ready for Christmas Day.

The PTA transform the school library into an enchanting festive room of wonders where the children get to choose their gifts.

The children really do love selecting secret gifts for their loved ones and are thrilled to watch you receive a genuine surprise on Christmas Day. If, of course, they can keep it a secret that long!

What can parents/guardians do to help make Secret Room happen?

1) Donate gifts to fill the Secret Room full of wonderful presents:

We will be accepting donations of (small, low value) gifts (2 per child if you can) on Monday 28th, Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th November and Thursday 1st December at morning drop off. Gifts should be left with the PTA helpers, in the marked boxes by the main school entrance.

2) Donate £4 per child if you can here:

Children do not need cash to participate in the Secret Room on 13th December. All children in school on the day will take part. However, if you can donate (we suggest £4 per child) to support the efforts of the PTA, then please do so through localgiving (just click here). Make sure you add gift aid if eligible as this really boosts your donation at no extra cost.

What gifts can I donate?

Gifts really do not need to be expensive. We recommend small low value gifts such as socks, chocolates, mugs, womens & mens toiletries, books, photo frames, key rings, festive food products. Ideally gifts should be neutral or 1 appropriate for a male & 1 for a female. We are unable to accept any gifts containing alcohol, nuts or DVDs over rating PG.

Will all children be able to participate?

Yes, if your child is in school on 13th December they can participate. No child will be excluded regardless of donations received. It is an inclusive and festive fun event for ALL Claremont School children and all donations are optional.

Thank you for your support!

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